
OET Training In Marathahalli

OET Training In Marathahalli

OET Training


Course Duration – 40 hours
Total of four modules:


OET- Occupational English Test (for healthcare professionals)OET stands for Occupational English Training. Specialized professionals like nurses, doctors, and pharmacists opt for this test. … It provides a valid and reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also emphasizes communication in healthcare professional settings.
OET stands for Occupational English Training. Specialized professionals like nurses, doctors, and pharmacists opt for this test. … It provides a valid and reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also emphasizes communication in healthcare professional settings.
PURPOSE OF THE EXAM: The Occupational English Test (also known as OET) is an English language test for healthcare professionals recognised by various regulatory healthcare bodies. It assesses the language communication skills of healthcare professionals who wish to register and practise in an English-speaking environment.
RIA Institute of Technology offers professional OET Training that aims to achieve higher band on your final score using tried and tested methods that work every single time. Our OET trainers have in depth understanding of all the concepts within the OET program. OET Training in Bangalore is designed to suit individuals who are keen to clear the assessment by providing quality Training that has helped thousands of students.

What are the benefits of taking OET?

Learn the language skills needed in a healthcare job. OET is the only English language test designed for the healthcare industry. … Build your confidence. A key aspect of communication that tends to be played down is confidence. … Register at RIA and practise in an English-speaking country.

About The RIA Institute of Technology

4.9 out of 5 based on 13645 ratings.
RIA Institute of Technology offers professional OET Training that aims to achieve higher band on your final score using tried and tested methods that work every single time. Our OET trainers have in depth understanding of each concept within the OET program. OET Training in Bangalore is designed to suit individuals who are keen to clear the assessment by providing quality Training that has helped thousands to students.

Who can benefit from OET Training?

College Graduates who are looking to study in UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and US. Working Professionals who are willing to migrate to Australia, Canada, New Zealand . Medical professionals planning to work / study further in UK, Australia or US People Planning to Migrate to Australia, Canada, New Zealand.

Why OET Training?
  1. Recognized worldwide
    2. Useful for all steps and stages of your life.
    3. Good training exercise for your English language skills.
    4. Accuracy of the results and of your English language level.
We Cover the following Topics in OET Training

INTRODUCTION TO OET AND EACH OTHER : Students will be given an introduction to what the OET exam is about. Students introduce themselves.


INTRODUCTION TO SPEAKING : Students are given the details of the following:
1.OET speaking structure.
2.How speaking module will be tested.
3. How will students be graded.
4. Why we fail to speak like native speakers.


The Reading sub-test consists of three parts and a total of 42 question items. All three parts take a total of 60 minutes to complete. The topics are of generic healthcare interest and are therefore accessible to candidates across all professions.
INTRODUCTION TO READING : Students are given the details of the following: 1.OET Reading structure
2. Why we dont read quick
3. Types of questions you might be asked.
4. Grading in reading.


INTRODUCTION TO LISTENING :Students are given the details of the following:
1 OET listening structure.
2. Why its important to understand every word while listening to the recording.
3. Grading in listening
4. Types of question asked in the test.


The Writing sub-test takes 45 minutes and is profession-specific. There is one task set for each profession based on a typical workplace situation and the demands of the profession – a nurse does the task for nursing, a dentist does the task for dentistry, and so on.
OET writing criteria instructions.
Content (Whether all the necessary information is included and accurate for the reader) Conciseness & Clarity (Whether unnecessary information is omitted so that the letter is an effective summary for the reader) Genre & Style (Whether the register, tone and use of abbreviations are appropriate for the reader)
INRODUCTION TO WRITING: Students are given the details of the following. 1. OET writing structure.
2. How the OET writing is different from the normal writing.
3. Types of reports asked in the test.
4.How will you be graded.


How is reading ability assessed in OET?
Reading Part A: (the expeditious reading task) Tests your ability to skim and scan quickly across different texts on a given topic in order to locate specific information. For that purpose, Part A is strictly timed and you must complete all 20 question items within the allocated 15 minutes. To complete the task successfully, you will also need to understand the conventions of different medical text types and understand the presentation of numerical and textual information.
Reading Part B: Tests your ability to understand the detail, gist or main point of complex texts commonly found in the healthcare workplace. To complete the task successfully, you will need to identify specific ideas at sentence level.
Reading Part C: Tests your ability to understand the explicit or implied meaning as well as the attitude or opinion presented in a longer text. To complete the task successfully, you will need to identify the relationship between ideas at sentence and paragraph level. Part C also tests your ability to accurately understand lexical references and complex phrases within the text.
Assessors who mark the Reading sub-test are qualified and highly trained. Candidate responses are assessed against an established marking guide. During the marking session, problematic or unforeseen answers are referred to a sub-group of senior assessors for guidance.


OET Writing Test is going to be challenging. You need to follow some basic rules.
Before you begin writing make sure that you understand the given task perfectly well. You need to spend at least, the first 5 minutes understanding the case notes and the task.
You will have to summarize long pieces of text. You will have to use your own words (You need to know how to paraphrase or rewrite the case notes).
Your letter needs to be well-organized. Think of a perfect plan before you start writing. You can make use of the space that is provided to you. You can jot down a rough structure if you want. Understand your role and write accordingly.
Focus more on your intended readers. Who is going to receive your letter?
Understand current situations.
What is the main point that you are expected to communicate to the readers?
What is the background information needed to create the letter?
Which information the reader will expert from you?
Check or cross-check well if you need to supply any other information.
You will also have to use the names and addresses given in the question (You can set out the names, address, date, and other important information in your letter).
You will have to clearly indicate new paragraphs. You can leave a blank line to clearly show paragraphs.
You can have the option to supply copy chunks of text from the case notes (You can include information from the case notes is important.


42 questions in all: The Listening test consists of three parts, and a total of 42 question items. The topics are of generic healthcare interest and accessible to candidates across all professions. The total length of the Listening audio is about 40 minutes, including recorded speech and pauses to allow you time to write your answers.

HOUR 9: DISCUSSION of the four modules before the first test.

DISCUSSING DOUBTS AND PRACTICING SPEAKING: Students can come up with any doubt or problem they are facing while solving any kind of question. (Of course they can ask in any regular class but this day is explicitly set for that task) There will be speaking practice through games and activities.


Students will be given a test with same time requirement and types of questions asked in the original OET test.


OET Speaking Tips
Role Play – Playing Your Part. It is going to be a role-play. …
Breaking The Ice / Beginning The Conversation. …
Continuing Conversation. …
Do Not Hesitate To Ask Questions. …
Understanding The Patient, TheClient (the interlocutor) …
Refining Your Language. …
Be Ready For All Odds.


Here are 5 ways to read faster and tips for approaching OET Reading part A: Begin with a skim. …
Let your previous reading guide you forward. …
Write exactly what you read. …
Be prepared to skip a question. …
Provide yourself with plenty of practice. …
4 thoughts on “5 Ways to Read Faster – Tips for OET Reading part A”


DISTRACTORS IN LISTENING While listening to any audio, it is possible you might get distracted due to many reasons such as: accent, pronunciation, similar sounding words, speaking correcting themselves in later stages. Students will get an extensive list of all possible distracting words and techniques.
Part A – Consultation Extracts. Part A deals with consultation extracts. This means that the OET listening part A will assess your ability to identify a piece of specific information during a consultation. In this part of the OET listening test, you will be provided with two different extracts. In each of the extracts, you will hear a health professional talking to a patient. The first extract will have a set of case notes with 12 gaps. Likewise, the second extract that you will hear will also have a set of case notes with 12 gaps. You will be required to complete the professional’s notes, utilizing the information you hear

HOUR 14: WRITING {more instructions & Discussion}

How do you organize OET writing?
Although there’s no ‘set structure’ for OET writing, there are some guidelines that you should keep in mind when organising your letter:
1. The introductory sentence/paragraph should contain the reason why you are writing the letter (i.e. refer, discharge, transfer) and the main medical issue etc.


Reading Part B tests your ability to quickly understand the gist (main idea) of a short text. To get this part correct, you need to select the answer (from a list of three) which best matches the text. One strategy is to answer the question before looking at the answer options. To do this, follow the five steps below:
Read the context sentence which gives you information about the text type. Then read the question but covering the answer options. Now read the text fairly rapidly and try to decide what you think is the answer to that question. Lastly, read the answer options. Is one similar to the answer you decided yourself? Check back in the text to make sure this answer is correct. If you have time, check the other options in the text. You should be able to find evidence to prove these answers are incorrect.


How can I improve my writing skills in OET?
OET Writing tests the ability to produce a letter that is appropriate for the situation given the task.
It is not necessary to repeat everything from the case notes or to give a chronological account.
Be prepared to select and organise the information in a way that informs the reader appropriately and effectively.


Part B – Short Workplace Extracts The OET listening part B, you will be provided with a total of 6 extracts and six questions. You will be given 1 minute for every extract and the related question. The audio will have a speaker or two, discussing a workplace situation. Along with the short audio, you will be given a 3-option multi-choice question. Part B will assess your skill and ability to identify details, opinion, gist or the purpose of these short extracts. The extracts can be of any kind such as team briefings, handovers or health professional-patient dialogues.
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS It is difficult to listen to someone at the same time reading a question and 3 option and hence it is important to practice and get proper technique to solve such problems in listening.


Using the right verbs Many candidates start their letters with ‘I am writing to refer…’. Sometimes, this is appropriate, but not all tasks ask you to write a referral letter.
Depending on the type of letter you are asked to write, there are other verbs which are equally or more appropriate. Examples of these other verbs include:


DISCUSSING DOUBTS AND PRACTICING SPEAKING Students can come up with any doubt or problem they are facing while solving any kind of question. (Of course they can ask in any regular class but this day is explicitly set for that task) There will be speaking practice through games and activities.


Students will be given a test with same time requirement and types asked in real OET test.


OET Speaking Tips 1 – Start the conversation. A lot of candidates make the mistake of thinking that the OET speaking sub-test is an examination and not a medical situation. As such they wait for the OET person (the patient) to do the talking. Imagine that you are in a professional setting and you are the nurse, doctor or dentist. You are in control. The OET person is the patient – not the OET person. As such, it’s up to you to start the conversation.
Here’s an OET sample for nurses: “Hello, my name is Jane and I’m the community nurse. Can I start with your name?” Don’t sit there and make the patient start the conversation. It’s up to you.


Here’s how students are taught to for success in Reading Part C: The topics of the 2 Reading Part C texts are of general healthcare interest aimed at intelligent professionals. They are the types of text you might read in your free time to keep your understanding current of how medicine and medical practices are changing. Alternatively, they are the type of text which might have been recommended to you by your manager for professional development. How do you read these texts in your first language? Do you:
A – skim through the contents focusing on specific facts and dates which are presented?
B – read quickly to understand the message the writer is trying to communicate in the text?
C – read slowly and carefully to understand every word?


Part C – Presentation Extracts The OET listening part C will gauge your ability to follow a recorded presentation or interview on healthcare topics. You will hear two extracts. Each of them will last for about 4-5 minutes. You will be able to hear the extracts once only. You will have to answer six 3-option multiple choice questions per audio extract. There will be two types of questions in part C. Some questions are direct and will end with a question mark. Some questions will sentence completion type. You will have to choose the correct option to complete the answer. The OET listening part of the OET exam needs proper preparation. With the right approach and practice plan, you can ace your listening skills. We can help you with your preparation. You can find the best OET listening materials with us. Get access to top-class OET listening tips, practice materials and mock tests that will boost your preparation process.


Part two: Expanding on your purpose with the right details The second part of Purpose is to sufficiently expand the reason for the letter later in the letter with more details. When explaining the reason for writing the letter, it is normal to do this at a high level. For example: Further management of her blood sugar levels, ongoing support and treatment, regular monitoring of his diabetes. The reader is clear about the situation from this high–level explanation but they will need more detail to continue caring for the patient adequately. This detail may come in any of the paragraphs but it is most often covered in the last paragraph. Expanding the purpose includes providing details such as how often the reader should interact with the patient, what specific activities they should support the patient with etc. Using our three examples, notice how the sample sentences below expand on the initial reason for writing:
First example Her non-fasting blood sugars are 7-8mmol/L, but her fasting blood sugar levels are usually in the 16+ range, which is high. Therefore, I am referring her to you for your specialist advice.
Second example : Prior to this injury, he received home help for all house cleaning tasks and was independent in all personal care and community tasks. He is keen to return home where he lives alone and maintain his independence.
Third example He was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation on the same admission and was subsequently prescribed warfarin and sotalol. His hypertension is controlled by Ramipril. As with his other medication, Mr Dunbar is intermittent in his compliance. Again, the important point to notice is that all three examples are personalised to the situation and use language appropriate to describe it. Achieving full marks in Purpose is based on whether you are prepared to be flexible in the test and not rely on pre-learned phrases and sentences. Using the case notes to help you to write something personalised and meaningful to the reader will help you achieve full marks for Purpose.


You need to understand the writer’s opinion You my have answered A, B or C but for the types of texts in Part C, answer B is the strategy which will work best for you. The texts are opinionated. They may include the writer’s opinions but also the opinions of others who have also completed research on the same topic. The opinions may agree or disagree with each other. Opinions can be explicit e.g. Crowther disagrees. Or they can be more implied e.g. the beauty of the idea, in my opinion, is its simplicity. Several of the questions in Part C require you to demonstrate your comprehension of the writer’s opinions and line of argument. You can only understand this by focusing on the overall meaning of what they are communicating. The facts and the details may provide evidence for the opinion but are not your main priority. Candidates who struggle with Reading Part C are often reading the text looking to match key words from the question or answer options. Instead, you need to read the text in English exactly as you would read it in your first language: to understand the meaning behind what the writer is saying..

HOUR 26: WRITING {more instructions}

Tips on OET Writing Test In OET Writing, your letter is assessed against five criteria, which mainly look at whether you have written enough words, used appropriate vocabulary, understood the situation, provided the right information and your overall ability to communicate effectively in English. Take time to understand the situation and the requirements of the task. Try to write between 180-200 words and avoid copying parts of the question or notes. Write in a formal style and avoid using slang language or abbreviations. Remember why you are writing and who you are writing it for. Include important information. Leave out information that is not important or not relevant. Write as neatly as possible. Try to use complex sentences where it is appropriate. If your sentence is too long or complicated, break it down into more simple sentences. Organize the information clearly. Use paragraphs where appropriate. Remember, each idea should have its own paragraph. Remember why you are writing and who you are writing it for. Check your writing for spelling mistakes, punctuation and grammar errors.


GRAMMAR (TENSE) Tenses from simple present to future perfect will be discussed as you should be familiar with basic grammar before going to test.


TASK II – OPINION ESSAY Your opinion is being asked in a form of essay of 250 words in task 2 of writing module in IELTS. There will be a statement provided in the test and your opinion, whether you agree or disagree with the statement will be asked to be written.


The key to OET speaking Although you can read ABOUT the OET all day long, when it comes to success it’s all about OET preparation. You need to prepare for the OET. You do need to be careful of the OET material for nurses that is available online and for sale on Gumtree and other classifieds. Sometimes it can be very different from the actual OET. You need to make sure that the OET materials that you use are similar to the actual OET test. At E2Language, we use OET materials that are identical to the actual OET so you can be sure that your OET preparation is effective. An OET preparation course is a good idea, but again, you need to choose carefully. Many teachers don’t really understand the OET. While they may be able to give you an OET sample test for nurses, do they really know how to teach it? A good OET teacher is very rare because it is an uncommon test. If you want to get optimal results then check out our OET preparation course at www.e2language.com because we are OET experts. We are the OET’s only authorised partner. We specialise in getting OET candidates the OET results that they need and we do it FAST.
DISCUSSING DOUBTS AND PRACTICING SPEAKING Students can come up with any doubt or problem they are facing while solving any kind of question. (Of course they can ask in any regular class but this day is explicitly set for that task) There will be speaking practice through games and activities.


Students will be given a test with same time requirement and types asked in real IETLS test.


OET Speaking Tips 2 – Keep the conversation moving. It’s also up to you to maintain the conversation. If the conversation stops and silence happens you need to bring it back to life.
Here’s a sample:
“So, please tell me a little bit more about your situation.”
“Is there anything that you would like to add?”


Finding the answers Often, questions are given in a roundabout manner. You may get questions which may consist of words you may not find in the text given. And of course, when candidates do not find the keywords from the questions anywhere in the text, they get confused and it becomes difficult for them to answer the question. If you encounter such problem, then it is important that you shall try to understand the meaning of words given as keywords in the questions and try to look for words or phrases which are similar to the words or phrases given. Yes, nine times out of ten, a synonym is used in the question to confuse the test-takers. For questions which asks you to match the statements with one of the four texts, you will have to read the text carefully and you will have to understand what it implies. Do not just jump to the conclusion. Make sure you read the complete text given to you. Of course, if you can skim well then it will be helpful for you and this will save a lot of your time. But, make sure that you do not just cursorily run your eyes on the text. Understand the text too. Sometimes, the given text might provide you two different ideas or viewpoints. In such cases, you need to focus on which is being talked about more in the text. If you can find this, then your answer is going to be right for sure. For gap-fill questions, you really do not have to think of a word out of the text given. You can pick the right word from the given text itself. Make sure that you read the text well. You need to be good understanding what is missed. It is important that you shall not get frustrated. Yes, you will have to learn to stay cool, calm and in control of yourself. If you find difficulty in answering a question, then it really makes sense that you move to the next question. You can always come back to answer that question later which you may leave. But, make sure that you answer all the questions. If you are stuck anywhere and you give more of your time to that particular question, then it will be difficult for you to answer all the questions.

HOUR 34: WRITING(more writing Tips)

OET Writing Task would require you to create a letter. You will be given case notes. You will have to read carefully and then answer accordingly. OET writing task will be aimed at analyzing your writing skills. The examiner would definitely want you to be perfect act writing. Your answer will be evaluated rigorously. Therefore, it is very important that you should create a god answer. It is also very important that you should know the criteria for the writing test. You need to follow those criteria. If you do not write it as per the given rules then it can be difficult to get the score you really want.

HOUR 35: WRITING(more instructions)

Each of the above criteria includes elements of language. You need to be able to accurately apply elements of Grammar, Vocabulary, Punctuation and Spelling to your letter. Because every Writing task is different, every letter will be organised differently. There are several ways to organise your letter, including chronologically or thematically.


GRAMMAR (TEST) Tenses remaining from last session will be discussed along with other grammar concepts.


Students can come up with any doubt or problem they are facing while solving any kind of question. (Of course they can ask in any regular class but this day is explicitly set for that task) There will be speaking practice through games and activities.


OET FULL LENGTH TEST: Students will be given a test with same time requirement and format of questions in the original OET test.


To succeed it like any other talent needs training and practice. Nobody does it better than at RIA. It is important to understand the speaking skills required to score well in this test. At RIA we will be able to help with improving your speaking skills, with personalized feedback and regular practice materials, you will have the confidence to easily sit for your PTE test soon! Schedule an appointment with one of our trainers today! An ISO Certified Institute, with PTE coaching centers in Bangalore . Best Training Institute. Realtime Experienced Trainers.

Advantages Of Studying OET With Us

  1. Hands on experience
    2. Project support 
    3. Real time exposure on latest VBA Macro modules
    4. VBA Macro Training methodologies
    5. Lab facilities and guidance


  • Trained over 2000 students
  • Over a Decade of experience in Training industry
  • Experienced and Certified trainers
  • Practical and Theory training
  • Flexible Batch timings



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